These are the rules of the blog:
1). Keep all comments clean (No foul language, crude joking, or explicit/suggestive photos: Eph 5:3-5)
2). Keep all criticism constructive (Pro. 27:17)
3). Do not use the name of the LORD in vain (Exo. 20:7)
4). Make sure all activities on this blog exhibit the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22)
5). Build and support your "arguments" from the Bible, then interject your views.
6). If you have a question directly for another brother or sister on this blog, and it does not specifically pertain to the blog topic, then do not post it to them publicly, but instant message them or find their contact info and do it in private, please.
7). Please refrain from eisegetical statements (i.e. reading things into the Bible and then developing statements from there) The Bible was not written by you, it was written by the Holy Spirit, through human authors. Therefore, it is not up to YOU to decide what the Holy Spirit was saying.
All of these can basically be summed up into one rule: 8). Bear yourselves in a manner worthy of your calling.